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  • mnearney

The End is Nigh . . .

With just days to go before the MA show, what’s the state of play?

Having spent weeks remaking, testing, and refining my work, it’s time to make decisions and get it all finished in time – in football terminology you could say “It will go to the wire.”

On a positive note, a review of the finished (and almost finished) pieces.

Landscape forms with coal seams.

Thieveley Scout

The Hanging Valley piece was going well – until it blew up in the kiln! My own fault, as I had constructed a wall in the body of the work in order to guard against warping, then forgot to put a hole in the wall.

Undaunted and optimistic, I made another in two days, remembering to put a hole in the wall! Hopefully will be fired in time for the show.

Hanging Valley 1 Hanging Valley 2

Fireman’s Helmet

This is the fourth version of the helmet; oxides having been applied to the textured surface which represents the visible landscape and the earth and coal seams beneath the ground. Ready for second firing.

Towneley Oak with Underground Fungal Network.

Several versions of this work have been created, in cuboid and dome shapes. Experimenting with the mocha diffusion technique in order to mirror the underground fungal network. The use of oxides when applied on alkaline slip have yielded some stunning results. I now have to decide to choose cuboid or dome shape base and choose the most effective oxide effect, leaning towards copper cuboid.

Forms with applied copper, cobalt, red iron, and manganese oxides

Cuboid with manganese oxide, transparent glaze applied

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